18 jul 2016 | Media, Videos
The virtual reality film was shot in Ireland and is available as an app at WeMakeVr.com Concept film: Arita Baaijens | Film Production: We Make VR
19 sep 2018 | Boeken, Media, Videos
Onbedoeld grappig, deze geflopte boekpromotie ‘Paradijs in de polder, wat landschap je vertelt’ van Arita Baaijens (Atlas Contact, 2018). Zelfreflectie op het eind maakt veel goed…
18 mrt 2016 | Media, Spreker, Videos
Redmond O’Hanlon op bezoek bij woestijnreiziger Arita Baaijens (VPRO-serie O’Hanlons Helden) British explorer REDMOND O’HANLON meets Dutch desert explorer ARITA BAAIJENS in the Egyptian desert. They follow into the footsteps of the adventurous...
18 mrt 2016 | Media, Spreker
Arita Baaijens op TEDXWomen Amsterdam – Iconic landscapes as a source for innovation The sacred landscape needs a mother or farther to tell us what actions we can or cannot do with earth. Fascinated by how humans (inter)act in intense circumstances Arita...